IMPORTANT: This information should NOT be downloaded using government equipment, read during duty time or sent to others using government equipment. Do not use your government email address or government phone in contacting your lawmakers. Do not forward this to a government addresses as it contains AFGE/NVAC information specific to you.
DATE: March 7th, 2025
Night Shift
8:30- 10:30 p.m.
We will be bringing ice cream to your units to provide information. Bring your questions and concerns about our current situation, and help us protect these good jobs.
Protect your union!!!
Members get $50.
Please respond as such regarding the email received by the OPM email address.
100% of the tasks and duties required of me by my position description.
100% of the work product that my supervisor and I have agreed to.
100% of the duties and performance elements that are used to evaluate my performance.
100%of the deliverables requested of me by my direct supervisor.
Brothers and Sisters,
Please respond as such to your supervisor regarding the email received by the OPM email address.
Dear Supervisor,
I received the below email today from a sender that was not within the agency or in my chain of command. Please provide me guidance on whether I am required to respond, and if so, how I should respond, by the end of my tour of duty on Monday.